Project Shambhunath Singh Research Foundation (SSRF)
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Campaign Story
About the project
District Varanasi is highly critical in violation of child rights in the form of child marriage, child labor, child trafficking and gender discrimination. It has a clear link with the trafficking of girl children which impacts their health and reduces their chances of an education. All this affects their overall development.
Making a difference
CRY America Project SSRF is working towards creating an enabling environment that empowers children to influence decision making on issues that affect them, creating informed, sensitized, empowered family members and community to stop child marriage, ensuring vigilant governance for child protection. The key activities taking place under the project are orientation meetings of children groups on child rights issues and developing their understanding, engagement with child protection structures in the district and in the entire state.
The way forward
● Conduct life skill session with 36 collective groups followed by 8 government schools
● Adapt Child Activity Center (CAC) module to 9 Bal Paharua centers for supporting learning of 120 children
● Ensure mainstream schooling of 288 out-of-school children of age 6-18 years
● Ensure mainstreaming schooling of 80 identified child laborers
● Implement CAC module to enhance teaching-learning process at 18 activity centers
● Strengthen 9 School Management Committee (SMC) members to actively intervene in school-related issues
● Conduct 9 activity-based learning meetings with SMC members on education barriers
● Enrol 30 identified children in sponsorship programs and fast track their linkage to government programs
● Support functioning of 6 Women and Children Protection Centers, Child Welfare Committees and Juvenile Justice Boards to address child abuse and exploitation cases
Project Impact
children received educational support under the Bal Shram Vidhya Yojana.
children aged 15-18 retained in schools.
children aged 6-18 enrolled in schools.
children enrolled in Digital Learning Centers.
children enrolled in remedial education.
children attended SMART classes.
potential child marriages prevented.
children aged 6-18 rescued from child labor.
rescued child laborers aged 6-18 mainstreamed into schools.
community members sensitized about child marriage and child labor issues.
adolescent boys sensitized about child rights through sports.
Bal Paharua children’s collectives sensitized about child rights through 108 meetings.
children sensitized about Menstrual Hygiene Management.
children trained on Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) issues.
adolescent girls trained in self-defense techniques.
adolescent boys and girls trained as e-volunteers to support government program linkages.
children participated in developing a community action plan on child rights.
adolescent participated in life skills sessions.
cases of Child Sexual Abuse identified and reported under POCSO.