Campaign Story
About the project
Over its 14-year journey with Gram Swaraj Sangh, CRY has empowered the education system in the Rapar block of Kutch district. Low immunization rates, inadequate access to healthcare services, and prevalent superstitions significantly impact maternal and child health. Community members have limited awareness of essential health care services and institutions. Low birth weight, high infant mortality rates, and child marriage further complicate the healthcare landscape. Additionally, gender inequality has hindered the education and well-being of girls.
Making a difference
CRY America Project Gram Swaraj Sangh (GSS) works to provide health and nutritional support to children, pregnant, and lactating mothers in the 23 hamlets of Rapar block. The key activities include counseling pregnant women on institutional deliveries, providing postnatal nutritional awareness, and linking them to government programs. The project also focuses on forming women collectives, adolescent collectives, and girl child collectives to address issues such as infant mortality, low birth weight, child marriage, and girl education.
The Way Forward
● Identify all 128 pregnant women and ensure their registration at Anganwadi Centers.
● Monitor haemoglobin levels of 323 adolescent girls and follow up with district-level health consultations.
● Conduct awareness sessions on safe drinking water and nutritious food in all 23 hamlets.
● Identify 5 children with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SUW) and 9 with Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MUW), and refer them to the Nutrition Rehabilitation Center (NRC).
● Support 14 households with SUW and MUW children by educating them on food values through the Khana Khazana Program.
● Encourage 8 families to engage in horticulture and provide them with technical support.
● Educate 100 households on kitchen gardening practices and promote a nutritious diet among children, mothers, and families.
● Introduce drumstick plants to 50 households and encourage their inclusion in daily food habits.
● Conduct sensitization sessions with 24 adolescent girls on issues of child marriage and health.
● Organize health and nutrition-themed events for 200 adolescents.
The Way Forward
● 100% targeted people from reference communities will get awareness training during the project period about COVID-19 & its protection systems
● Survival of newborn children ensured through strengthening preventive and protective mechanisms on maternal and child health
● Reduction in the cases of undernourished children
● Combat child malnutrition through strengthening the livelihood system of the community and also enhancing household food security
● Provide critical education support in this extended gap period, so that children can return to school with confidence
Project Impact
Children accessed government healthcare services
Sessions conducted for mothers’ groups on child feeding and nutrition
Pregnant women registered at Anganwadi Centers
Institutional deliveries facilitated
Pregnant and lactating mothers linked to government health programs
Adolescent girls attended health check-up camps and received IFA tablets
Pregnant women received Tetanus 1 and Tetanus 2 vaccines
Children aged 0-1 years fully immunized