Campaign Story
About the project
The project works in Jharkhand and Bihar to institutionalize community-led child protection through inter-agency learning and collaboration. The project also expands, develops and documents community-led child protection initiatives.
This Project is fully funded by the Oak foundation.
Making a difference
CRY America’s Project Child Resilience Alliance develops vibrant, civic child protection processes that support government efforts on child protection in Jharkhand and nationally. The inter-agency Core Group (CG) provide and spreads a model that integrates community-led child protection (CLCP) with panchayat support for children. The CG will enable wider use of CLCP by practitioners, build academic and practitioner partnerships for CLCP, influence UNICEF and the Government to support CLCP, and strengthen the sustainability base for CLCP.
COVID Actions
● Modified implementation by enabling community members to address COVID-related challenges
● Established relationship of trust and confidence with community members
The way forward
● Expand, develop, and document community-led child protection initiatives
● Influence practitioners, UNICEF, Government, and donor stakeholders to increasingly use and support community-led child protection
The way forward
● Orienting Anganwadi teachers on Early Childhood Education (ECE) programme components.
● Strengthening parents monitoring committee
● Conducting awareness programmes on child labor at the community level
● Implementing Life Skills Modules in child collectives to inculcate self-esteem and self confidence
● Transact life skills modules on sexual and reproductive health in adolescent girls collectives
Project Impact
New villages extended for community-led child protection
Adolescent girls oriented on child rights
Adolescent boys oriented on child rights
Village level task forces formed