Campaign Story
Project Doaba Vikas Evam Utthan Samiti (DVEUS)
About the project
Project DVEUS is working in 60 villages of Kaushambi district. The organization is working with 11,702 households with majority reference communities from Dalit and minorities groups. The status of antenatal care and postnatal care remains very poor in the community. Lack of awareness in the community results in home deliveries, lack of immunization of pregnant women and infants as well as rising number of malnourished children in the community.
Making a Difference
CRY America Project DVEUS ensures that the community and the household are aware of appropriate child rearing practices. The project works towards reduction in infant deaths including neonatal deaths through strengthening home based newborn care as well as improving facility based care and treatment in government institutions. Another major focus is on. combating malnutrition through strengthening responsive strategy at community level.
The key activities under the project are engaging with adolescent girls and children groups on nutrition, menstrual hygiene and immunization, tracking of low birth weight babies as well as support of take home ration to the pregnant and lactating mothers and children of age 7 months to 6 years from Anganwadi.
The Way Forward
● Follow up with 1446 pregnant women and 1264 lactating mothers to ensure timely immunization, health check-up and referral services
● Growth monitoring of 6712 children in the age group of 6-36 months
● Complete Immunization of 1294 children under 0-1 year
● System strengthening of 4 Public Health Centerss, 2Community Health Centers and 5 Sub Health Centers
● Sessions on early marriage, early pregnancy nutrition, iron tablets and Life skills session will be conducted for all 27 adolescent groups.
● Free seeds will be distributed to 1500 households with malnourished children maintaining kitchen gardens.
Project Impact
Families have developed kitchen gardens in their homes
Children moved from the severely underweight (SUW) category to the moderately under (MUW) category &
Children improved from being moderately underweight to attaining a normal weight.
Village Health and Nutrition Day (VHND) conducted
Children were given complete immunization during VHNDs
Pregnant women were immunized as per schedule
Pregnant women had institutional deliveries