Khushi’s Journey To Recovery And Good Health

Khushi, a delicate 9-month-old, faced the harsh challenge of malnutrition since birth. CRY America Project CHARDS recognized the urgency of her situation and requested the family to visit the Nutrition Rehabilitation Center (NRC) for immediate intervention. However, the family hesitated as they had to also caring for another child.

The family were daily wage earners, making it financially impossible for them to miss a day of work. The newborn’s severe health issues resulted in increasing medical expenses, adding to the family’s distress.

The CHARDS project team kept visiting the family, explaining to them the significance of the NRC and its potential benefits. After numerous discussions, the family eventually agreed to take Khushi to the center. A project member even accompanied them, offering support and guidance throughout the process.

Regular follow-ups by the dedicated team helped in tracking Khushi’s progress. Today, she stands as a testament to the transformative impact of timely intervention. Khushi, once struggling with malnutrition, has now blossomed into a healthy child.

*Name changed and image used for representation purpose only.

In the Champaran district the existing health care facility is in dilapidated condition. The main barrier of accessibility is distance from the village, lack of medicines and non-availability of doctors. Due to inaccessibility of health services, the burden of home delivery is still prevalent. Maternal health and nutrition, as well as adolescent nutrition have important consequences for intergenerational transmission of malnutrition.

CRY America Project CHARDS has been working towards improved access to quality primary health care in 20 villages. The key activities of the project are sensitizing the community on various mother and child health issues, exploring alternatives for ensuring education of the children, and capacity building of adolescent and adolescent resource centers.


pregnant and lactating
mothers linked with
existing schemes


girls went through
Hb testing


mothers participated
in community
sensitization sessions


deliveries held


girls from collectives
participated in sessions on
Sexual & Reproductive Health & Anaemia


children were

● Sensitization meeting with the community on health and nutrition of children as well as Pregnant and lactating women in 20 villages
● Organizing haemoglobin testing camp in collaboration with local primary health care for 150 girls
● Operationalizing NAPKIN BANK (sanitary napkins) within 13 collectives
● Life skill module sessions for 350 collective members in 13 children collectives
● Imparting computer skills to 40 adolescent girls in Adolescent Resource center
● 20 awareness meetings with pregnant and lactating women on existing health programs in 20 villages
● Training session on Home Based New Born Care for 36 ASHA/Anganwadi Workers

2023 Grant Disbursed – $21,534